A student in the Tap your nfl jerseys music department went into from china full potential the exercise room. On the piano, with a new score. Super high difficulty.” He muttered, turning, feeling his confidence in playing the piano seems to have dropped to the bottom, exhausted.

It has been 3 months since, with the guidance of the new professor, he did not know why the professor to the entire people in this way? The professor is a famous pianist. He gave his new student a score.

“Try it!” He said. The music is so difficult that students playing stagnation jerky mistakes.

“Well, go back to practice!” The professor told the students at the end of class.

Students practice for a week, second weeks of classes, I did not expect the professor gave him a higher score of music, “try it!” Last week, the professor didn’t mention it. The students are struggling again with more difficult technical challenges.

In the third week, the more difficult music appeared again, and the same situation continued. Each student is a new challenge to music in the classroom, and then put it back to practice, then nfl jerseys top quality back to the classroom, to face difficult times two score, but how can not catch up with the progress, because there is no training last week and have a feeling of home, the students feel more and more uneasy frustrated and discouraged.

The professor went into the exercise room. The students could not bear it any longer, and he had to ask the piano master the question of how to torture himself for the last 3 months.

The professor did not open his mouth, he took out the first first score, to the students. “Play it!” He looked at the students with firm eyes. The incredible thing happened, even the students themselves are surprised, he can play the music so beautiful, so exquisite! The professor asked the students to test the music in second classes, and the students still had a high level of performance. The end of the performance, the students stared at the teacher, speechless.

“If I let you do the best part of it, maybe you’re still practicing the first piece of music.” The professor said slowly. People are often used to express their familiar, good field. But if we are willing to look back, carefully view, will see light suddenly, seemingly, wildly beating gongs and drums work challenge perpetual difficulty increasing pressure on the environment, is also in the imperceptibly develop a sense of today’s capable? Because people do have unlimited potential! With the experience and cognition, will make us more willing to face the future more difficult! Man’s power is infinite. But people’s wisdom and imagination has great potential to fully excavate it, its rich creativity, will do to his surprising achievements. There are two stores selling porridge. The one on the left and right that every customer is not much, are people into the The stream never stops flowing.. But when night settlement, on the left side of the more is always better than 100 yuan. Every day so.

So, I went to the right side of the porridge shop. The young lady smiled and welcomed me into the room. She gave me a bowl of porridge and asked me, “do you have any eggs?” I say plus. So she gave me an egg. Every time a customer comes in, the waiter asks, “do you have any eggs?” There are also said to add, but also to say no, probably about half.

I went into the store on the left. The service lady smiled and welcomed me into the room. She gave me a bowl of porridge and asked me, “do you add an egg or two eggs?” I smiled and said: “add a.” Another customer came in and asked the waiter, “an egg or two eggs?” Love to eat jerseys supply nfl center eggs on the requirements of two, do not eat on the need to add a.

There are no requirements, but few. One day down, the left side of the shop than the right to sell a lot of eggs. Think about life, work, you really have their own potential to play to the extreme? Is it all just repeat those things went through channels, you know?

Life motto:

You don’t have to do better, because you are not only more suit your potential. Remember, everyone’s potential is infinite.