Tribal Youth Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship
22 Sep, 2019
- Nitin Tailor

Dediapda is a Tehsil and town in Narmda District with a sizable population of tribal communities. Due to lack education and job opportunities in this areas, youth has to migrate to near by cities like Rajpipla, Bharuch and Ankleshwar. This region is surrounded by satpuda mountains, rivers and forests and having good agriculture land. Nitin Tailor has interacted with the tribal youth group of Dediapada and discussed various entrepreneurial opportunities in this areas in forestry, tourism and agriculture. Due to increasing tourism in Narmada disrict there are plenty of opportunities available but due to lack of guidance and motivation most of the youth are unemployes and having alcohol addiction. Through Serve Happiness Foundation we are motivating tribal youth for entrepreneurhsip and trying to generate livelihood opportunities in such remote tribal areas. It would also stop migration of youth in urban areas.